According to our Xcuic review, is either a scam or legit.

based on location

The domain name is
Website name:
WHOIS domain registration date: 09/04/2022
Combocep, Inc. Job declaration and so on and so on.
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Name and address of parent company: Qantes Ltd Farm 15 St Helens Palace London, EC3A 6DQ
Identification number 12948235
The website offers the following categories: Men’s and Women’s Pajamas, Christmas Series Pajamas, Women’s Pajamas, Blankets, Holiday Apparel, Great Dog Gifts.
Featured Product: Dirty Print Oversized Wool Coat for Men. Standard men’s cropped hooded sweater with floral pattern. Other men are dirty. Men’s long green suit with random print. Men’s long green suit with random print. Lightweight men’s loose clothing. Bones and cartilage.

What is

This online store also claims to sell many of the items listed above. There are a few things you should know before you decide to shop at this online store.

Xcuic looks suspicious for the following reasons:

Contact address:

Information about the parent company, Kenesh Limited, can be found in the address and terms of use. Many scam and scam websites use company names, such as Peluxar, Marriott Siueng Fintou, Fintou, Leoir and others.

“Cantes” LLC is the parent company name, but as with many such websites, you may change it to the parent company name in the future.

Copy content

The Xcuic website has more details. This means designing the space as a multi-themed space.

Change is back

The return policy does not allow returns or exchanges by the customer. He said that money must be paid to return the goods. Shipping charges will not be refunded. We have not found any online stores that do not accept returns or exchanges at some point. These online stores have reckless return and/or exchange policies, making it nearly impossible to get a full refund.

Customer delivery and demand.

Customer complaints about this online store include terrible delivery times, customer service and customer support.

Our Final Verdict:

We cannot recommend Xcuic Online Store highly enough.

Click here for a list of suspected sites. Or visit our scams section to learn more about other types of scams. You can also visit the website by clicking here.

You can write a review about the company below. Share this review with your family and friends via social media to spread awareness about this online store

Many online stores claim to offer significant discounts on many items, but this is a scam. Avoid these online stores or do your research before buying. Many of these online stores send customers products they didn’t buy or offer low-quality or unreliable deals. Online fraudsters can intentionally ask customers for credit cards without their consent. If a fraudulent website makes a fraudulent request, contact your bank or credit union immediately to protect your credit card information.

Leave your comments below. These sites usually change their name and information from time to time. The above information is based on the information on the website as of the date of publication. If you find any information other than the information listed in this review, this online store may have changed its description. The doubt remains.


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