One Piece Game is a Roblox game based on the One Piece series. Players will start living like a pirate as they progress through the game in search of treasures. There are some challenges that the game must complete. For a make this a little easier for players, we have created a fruit rating list for this one-piece game.

Fruit can be purchased from retailers in the game. Players can also find small options in the box. So what are the best fruits of One Piece games? Please read the following.

Fruit Rating List One Piece Game

We set the fruit from layers S to C. The fruits of layers S are really good for both PVP and agriculture. Likewise, Class A fruits can deliver excellent performance in both agriculture and PvP. B – the fruits of the middle class. In other words, it’s not good, but it’s still quite possible. However, C-Tier fruits are rarely used in games. With that in mind, let’s move on to S Tier Fruit in A One Piece Game.

S delayed

sonic fruit

Definitely one of the best fruits in today’s game. This is a rare fruit that can definitely disappear in the game.

lightning fruit

Lightning, a beautiful fruit in general, stands out especially in PvP.

Fruit strategy

This fruit has a good harmful ability and it is very easy to replace it. However, it is not a good fruit for beginners.


light fruit

Great fruit to promote the game.

Firefruit, good for both PVP and agriculture, is a hard, first-class fruit.

ice cream
Likewise, ice is a good fruit for both agriculture and PvP.

class B

magma fruit

Players can get good performance with this fruit in both PvP and agriculture. However, it lacks the energy factor of fruits of other levels.

c let

barrier fruit

This fruit will be weak compared to the rest of the fruit on the list. It stands for no purpose.

invisible fruit

Not only does this fruit have no advantage other than transparency, it also has a limited set of suggestions.

It is a list of our fruit traits in one piece. For lists of Roblox’s animals, see Roblox: Shindo Life Elements’ Animal List.


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