Are you uncertain about the appropriate pricing for window cleaning? Now that I’ve discovered the traditional approach to pricing window cleaning services, you no longer have to pay or charge excessive fees. What should you charge for window cleaning? In this article, I will reveal the keys to setting the proper pricing. 

Further, window cleaning services provide several advantages, including time savings and improved curb appeal and are constantly in demand because they provide homeowners with a convenient, economical, and highly effective service. According to research, the window cleaning industry is expanding more rapidly than most other industries. Between 2016 and 2026, it is anticipated that other types of businesses would, on average, have a growth of 7%.

Whether you provide window cleaning or carpet cleaning services, it is essential to follow and comprehend the appropriate window cleaning price guide to calculate the price point. The key is understanding your costs and determining what prospective customers will pay for your services.

However, it would be best if you attracted new clients while generating enough profit to pay operating costs and fund marketing. What should your price be? Your questions are already addressed in this article, as I will give a guide to the factors you should examine before pricing window cleaning services, so let’s get started!


Window washing is a profitable yet time-consuming task. Nonetheless, there are a number of factors every window cleaning company needs to consider prior to pricing their services, which are outlined below.


When compiling the pricing list for your window cleaning business, it is essential to take your time and research to determine which materials are the most effective and used most often. Before you even start, it’s a good idea to invest in some high-quality goods. If you want to be successful in this field, you will need to invest in some durable tools of a high grade. Begin slowly and work your way up to a more extensive inventory over time. You shouldn’t be in a hurry to make an expensive purchase of equipment that will only wind up gathering dust in storage once you get it.

Nevertheless, make an investment in equipment that is dependable and of excellent quality. You won’t have to worry about any complications related to the failure of the machine throughout your operation.

Your cleaning implements may consist of anything from pressure washers or sprayers, both of which have pros and cons, but they are worth it. That said, always learn to consider the supply list when pricing a window cleaning services.


When compiling your pricing list for window cleaning, you must first determine the frequency with which your customers need you to clean their windows. This frequency is often dependent upon the customer’s geographic location.

For example, if they live or work in a city where dust and debris gather on windows more quickly than in rural regions, you should recommend scheduling an appointment at least once per month. Make sure to plan appointments no less often than once every two weeks for people who live in suburban areas.

In other words, do not encourage your customers to overwash their windows since the chemicals used to clean them might corrode the glass if used too frequently. 


Before arriving at an accurate estimate for the cost of window cleaning services, several considerations need to be made. You may get started by determining what sort of windows you have, such as vinyl, wood, glass, or other options.

Suppose you are familiar with the kinds of windows. In that case, you should be sure to inquire about their dimensions, the type of pane they have (double-hung or single-paned), and any other unique characteristics (such as shutters) that could impact the service. It would be best if you also considered the number of individuals cleaning the windows and the time each cleaning will take.

However, the kind of window you have might influence how much you charge for window cleaning. Windows with a complicated design will be more challenging to clean and take more time, while windows with a basic plan need less cleaning effort.


Regarding window prices, I suppose the price of a window cleaning service would vary dependent on the number of windows being cleaned simultaneously. But remember that if you want to clean your windows, you might want to buy some good tools. You can find these at stores like Home Depot or even on Amazon.

Here’s a tip. Go to Home Depot and look for a list of their window prices. When you get the price list, look at each type of window they have (such as single pane, double pane, and triple pane) and see how much each one costs. Based on the size and number of windows, you can use that information to figure out how much a cleaning service would charge the cost.


The height of the windows is determined by measuring to the top of the glass pane. You should consider the size of the glass panes. A bigger glass window will be more expensive than a smaller one. If you do not know the precise measurements of your window, you should avoid using abrasive cleaners.

Nevertheless, you should also evaluate the price per square foot, which indicates how much you will spend per square inch of surface area. To calculate the cost of cleaning the inside surfaces of windows, multiply the number of feet by the per-square-foot rate. For instance, if the window is 6 feet wide and 10 feet tall, multiply $25 by 60 (the total square inches) to get the price per square foot.



When pricing window cleaning services, you should consider the cleaning systems. There are several cleaning systems available. Each system targets distinct sorts of dirt. A high-pressure water system is required to clean the outside of a window. This approach employs significant pressure to eliminate massive dirt and grime layers. It would be best if you got a high-pressure water sprayer for the task.

A low-pressure cleaning method is required to clean the windows’ interior. This device utilizes less pressure and is ideal for cleaning little quantities of dirt. Low-pressure nozzles are suitable for cleaning window corners that cannot be reached with a sprayer.


Keeping a window cleaning business running smoothly takes a lot of work. A business property owner handles maintenance, so that window equipment lasts longer and staff compensation.

However, insurance is essential to safeguard the window-cleaning business against unfortunate accidents; business owners must have appropriate insurance coverage. Commercial general liability (CGL) plans cover damages caused by third-party occurrences such as fire, theft, vandalism, and even water damage. Buildings are covered by property insurance in the event of natural calamities. There are several insurance plans, and each business provides a unique set of services at variable prices.



Window cleaning has several advantages. One benefit is that you do not need to purchase costly equipment or pay for chemical cleansers. Additionally, window cleaning is a quick task. Once everything is completed, you can immediately resume your previous activity. Most window cleaners advise cleaning at least twice a month if you want to maintain a pristine appearance. Try using a high-pressure cleaner and a squeegee to eliminate stubborn dirt.


Cleaning windows in the spring and summer is generally straightforward, but cleaning windows in the autumn and winter might pose certain occupational risks for some window cleaners.

However, it is still essential to maintain a consistent schedule with your customers, regardless of the weather. It is appropriate to charge a little extra for “seasonal pricing” if you must do window cleaning when the weather is colder.


I will advise you to hire a professional to clean your windows. They have been trained to follow concrete measures and rules to ensure safety and efficiency, especially when working with dangerous materials like chemicals. But if you’re not used to taking care of things yourself, it’s best not to make big decisions about how to keep your home in good shape. If you’re unsure if something should be done professionally or not, ask someone who has an idea before you decide.


Window cleaning is the industry’s most overlooked service. However, it should be at the top of a person’s to-do list since it saves money and time and enhances brand exposure—professional windows clean for a fee. According to studies, the average price of hiring a professional window cleaner ranges from $150 to $350. Depending on the complexity of the task, cleaning a single window might cost between $15 and $30 per hour.


When determining your price, you should consider the average monthly income earned by each customer and the average period between cleaning services. These variables should assist you in deciding how much your prices should change over the year. We propose adjusting prices based on the criteria outlined in this article. However, while calculating costs, try not to rely only on data from prior months since seasons and holidays fluctuate throughout the year. Be careful to take current events into account when determining your prices. I hope you have found this article helpful; we will be returning with more content soon.


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