If you are looking for mimbagsale reviews then you are at the right place if you are looking for mimbagsale store reviews to know if mimbagsale is legit or is it really a scam?

If yes then you have come to the right place as here in the section below you will get full unbiased information about mimbagsale with 100% evidence from this website.

Where is Mimbasale located?

Mimbagsale is a website that sells various categories of jewelry, jewelery and other collectibles.
This page was created a few days ago on 11/15/2022 according to whois records. The trust score for this site is 1% out of 100.

Basic information about the Mimbagsale website:

Place name: Mimbagsale
Email: [email protected]
Product name Type: jewelry pouches
Payment Methods: All payment methods are accepted
Delivery Time: Normally you need 15-20 days to wait for the package.
Return Policy: We accept returns. Buyers have the right to request a return within 14 days of receiving the product.
Social media links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc
The above information will help you understand the legitimacy of the site. Now consider the pros and cons of the site.

Cons of this mimbagsale review page:

This website has a very low reliability score of 1% out of 100, which is a concern for reliability. The portal has negative reviews on other sites. The domain of the website is brand new, registered a few days ago on 11/15/2022, which causes trust issues.

Advantages of this page:

A standard SSL, HTTPS certificate is available for user protection.
Offers all available and eligible plans to customers.
Now that you know the negative comments and positive features of the site, now let’s check the comments whether the site is legit or a scam, read the section below and don’t forget to comment if you use this site, there are many Can people help who are confused about this site, always share your information.

Points that indicate whether the Mimbagsale website is legit or a scam
Page age: few days ago 2022-11-15
Site Trust Score: 1% out of 100
Legal Email ID: [email protected]
Frequently asked questions about this one-stop shop:

Is Mimbagsale a lie?

Yes, we have identified this page as suspicious.

Is mimbagsale a scam or legit?

Yes, mimbagsale can be a scam site. We do not recommend this site for online shopping.

Is this site legit or not?

No, this online store does not look like a real website

Learn more about how to get reimbursed if you’ve been scammed.

Our opinion about Mimbagsale:

Based on manual review, we have determined that this website is suspicious and we do not recommend our visitors to purchase products from this website.


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