This page contains detailed information about Polongo. Whether it’s a scam or a legitimate company is up to you. Read Polonino’s review for the answer.

Polonno can be a suspicious website for the following reasons:

  • There are many square feet of merchandise listed at deep discounts. Scam sites often offer discounts to entice people. FILIPPO HEAD ADRIANO SLIM GAME SHIRT, CASUAL GAME BUSINESS JACKET, ADRIANO SLIM GAME SHIRT, LARGE POCKETS WARM COTTON JACKET, etc.
  • The theme contains lots of additional information about web pages and some problematic web pages.
  • Social media logos may not lead to company-related social media pages. Legitimate online stores often offer social media logos that link to pages, groups, or social media profiles. No need to participate in social media.
  • Merchandise like many online retailers with complaints about square footage, product quality, delivery times and customer service.


The above description does not recommend Polonno.

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