If you want to know if Adadream.com is a scam or a trusted company, you can review Aadream here.

Aadream may be a questionable site for the following reasons:

  • Many fraudulent and harassing websites have been found with the help of the parent company premus vivendi LTD. To find a list of websites using this parent company, please see our website, brand vivendi limited. It has taken the name of the mother company modus vivendi LTD, but may change its title and name in the future as different locations use similar names.
  • Most of the other elements on the webpage are similar to many other websites with theme problems.
  • It offers the following fake social media icons which after clicking on them will take you to the main sites of various websites. Instead of redirecting you to work with locations, profiles, or groups, I did it.
  • Many online retailers have similar stories with complaints about product quality, delivery time and customer service.


We cannot protect Ukraine because history is still history.

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