Gaza Hide from Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is one of the most important resources used to craft various game items. There are 3 ways to get it in the game. If you’re looking for ways to get this skin and use it in a variety of recipes, you’ve come to the right place. So don’t waste your time and jump in!

How to get the Gaza skin in Final Fantasy XIV:

As mentioned earlier, there are three ways to get the Gaza skin in Final Fantasy XIV. It can be obtained by hunting, shopping, or by purchasing from a market company. Read on to find out how!

1. Elephant Hunting

The first way to get the Gaza Skin is to hunt the Gaza Elephant. Wild elephants can be found at the Saltwind Welcome Center at X:19.0, Y:30.1 on the way from Yedlihmad to The Great Work. However, to see the elephants in Final Fantasy XIV, you must be at game level 80 or higher. So make sure you meet the requirements of FFXIV: Endwalker, see and hunt the Gaza Elephants, and get the Gaza skin from there.

Buy at a jewelry store

Complete FATE (Full Active Time Event) with Final Fantasy: Receive Endwalkers and Bicolor Gems. Go to Yedlihmad in Thawanair at X:25.8, Y:34.6 and talk to the jeweler. Exchange the two-tone gemstones obtained here for Gaza Hide with FFXIV to obtain Gaza Hide.

Buy from market authorities

If you don’t want a lot of effort, you can go to the market board. To do this, open a browser and search for the FFXIV Marketboard. Otherwise, you can click on this link to go there. Open the Marketboard, click the Market button next to the search bar, and select Skins under the Items tab.

Here is a list of all skins for Final Fantasy XIV. Click on Let’s Go Leather and buy it there for a low price.


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